Liberation from the Follower Trap
In today's digital age, it's easy to fall into the trap of believing that a huge social media following is the key to small business success. We often find ourselves comparing our businesses to others based on their follower counts, thinking that we need to have thousands of followers to make sales and grow. But here's the truth: it's a myth.
Growing Your Business Beyond Social Media Followers
You can employ numerous effective strategies when marketing your business without relying on a large social media following. Here we'll dive into a few examples of how to do just that.
Why Social Media Shouldn't Be Your Platform, But a Tool
In today's digital age, building an online business has become increasingly accessible and essential for entrepreneurs. While social media platforms have played a significant role in connecting businesses with their audience, recent issues on Twitter & Instagram highlight the importance of not relying solely on social media as your platform. In this blog post, we will explore why social media should be considered a tool rather than the foundation of your online business.
Why Shopify Might Be the Best Platform for Your Business
If you're sick of playing by someone else’s rules and watching your brand get lost in the crowd on platforms like Etsy or Amazon, it might be time to break free. Shopify is built for those who want real control over their store and brand. Here’s the straight talk on why Shopify is where it’s at.
And You Don't Even Know It
Your products are amazing. Your website looks great. But behind the scenes, your Shopify settings might be quietly driving customers away without you even realizing it.
Fix These 3 Shopify Mistakes Now
You set up your Shopify store, listed your products, and hoped for the best. But if your sales aren’t where you want them to be, chances are your store is making some easily fixable mistakes that are sending customers running.